Finally, I found my long lost taiwanese drama, it's True Love 18 played by Ariel Lin, Shin Yi Nan, the late Beatrice Hsu, and all.
It's all about a student girl, who loved her teacher. Ariel (Xio Tong) tried very hard to win her teacher's heart, Shin Yi Nan (He Fan). Xio Tong was 17 years old girl, asked He Fan to rescued her meimei (sister in chinese) who drawn in the lake, but finally he knew that it's just head of mannequin with a wig, and because of that he pissed of her.
With her best friends, she spent her days at school and daily lives happily and her friends helped her to get the teacher's attention smoothly...
You have to watch this drama!!
I love it, actually I love the teacher, who remind me of my teacher in college year.
And as yesterday was a teacher day, I would like to say: Happy teacher day to all the teachers all over the world. Thank you for everything that you did for us.
Especially for my teacher whereever he is now, Happy Teacher Day!!!
trimakasih buat ucapannya u/ hr guru nya y kk ku tyg ndut..jd trharu..hauahah
ReplyDeleteudh ntn neh..tp blm slesai soalnya mancret2...eeehhmmm...si lause nya..eehhmmm..untk saat ini..eehhmm blh lah..ahhahaa
yeeee... bkn bwt lo, bwt HeFan lause ma dosen ganteng g terutama...hahaahaha
ReplyDeleteiy dah bwt lo jg walopun udah ex-guru.
Saya tidak pernah mengecewakan para pemirsa deh. Ok kan tuh Lause....hahahaha.
Guru yg atu lagi jg ganteng tuh, yg agak iteman....ga perhatiin namanya sapa.
guru yg mn?yg guru olahraga?neh drama udh jadul bgt y k?tuh yg jd guru olahraga kan sering maen film jg brg jet lee apa jackie chan gt..jd org jahat mulu...angktn nya dia org tuh..brati si lause neh jadul jg y..angktn jet lee ato jackie chan jg y..hahahaha
ReplyDeletebkn yg guru olah raga, guru yg dulunya dokter... tau tuh jd guru apaan disono..hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteBwahahaha lo sih kebanyakan nonton film mandarin jadul, die umurnya sih ampir sama Takeshi Kanesiro, pacar g atu lagi tuh.... kgk ngarti lg siapa tuh Takeshi...hahaahaha.
huaahhaa..kl takeshi yg ntu mah gw kenal dunk kk ku tayang..sbnr nya kan dia dulu naksir bgt ama gw,tp gw tolak soalnya umur kita bd jauh..jd ngga pa2 buat kk ku tayang..hauahaha